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Research training resources
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training
For anyone needing to complete their GCP training, the free online learning package is delivered by the NIHR CRN. It can be found here
Free course on 'R' stats program
This animation (based on work done by Kerry Wolfall and Louise Roper) is for children and young people who have taken part in research when they were unwell. It helps to explain the reasons why consent could not be sought before they took part in the research. This is research without prior consent (also known as deferred consent). Doctors, nurses and parents may ask children and young people to watch this animation as a way of informing and involving them in decisions about research. Children, researchers, nurses and doctors helped to make this animation with the company Morph. They based the animation on the findings of The Children’s Voices project, which explored the views of 16 children aged 7-15 about research without prior consent.
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